Top 5 Metrics to Track for Your Accounting Firm's Success

22 Jun 2024

22 Jun 2024

6 min read

6 min read

In today's competitive landscape, accounting firms must navigate a complex array of metrics to ensure they are on the right path toward growth and profitability. Tracking the right metrics not only helps in understanding the current state of your firm but also in planning strategically for the future. While gross margin is an obvious metric to assess, here are the top 5 metrics your accounting firm should focus on:

1. Client Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Definition: The total cost incurred to acquire a new client, including marketing expenses, sales costs, and onboarding.

Why It Matters: Knowing your CAC helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and identify areas where you can reduce costs without compromising on quality.

How to Track: Sum all marketing and sales expenses and divide by the number of new clients acquired in a specific period.

Example: If your firm spent $10,000 on marketing and acquired 10 new clients, your CAC is $1,000.

2. Client Lifetime Value (CLV)

Definition: The total revenue expected from a client over the entire duration of their relationship with your firm.

Why It Matters: CLV helps in understanding the long-term value of your clients and informs decisions on how much to invest in acquiring new clients versus retaining existing ones.

How to Track: Multiply the average client revenue per year by the average client lifespan.

Example: If an average client generates $5,000 per year and stays with your firm for 5 years, the CLV is $25,000.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Definition: A metric that measures client satisfaction and loyalty by asking clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to others on a scale of 0-10.

Why It Matters: A high NPS indicates satisfied clients who are likely to refer new business, while a low NPS signals areas for improvement in client service.

How to Track: Conduct regular surveys asking the NPS question and categorize responses into promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), and detractors (0-6).

Example: If you have 70% promoters, 20% passives, and 10% detractors, your NPS is 60.

4. Revenue Per Client

Definition: The average revenue generated from each client.

Why It Matters: This metric helps in identifying the profitability of your client base and can inform pricing strategies and service offerings.

How to Track: Divide the total revenue by the number of clients.

Example: If your total revenue is $500,000 and you have 100 clients, your revenue per client is $5,000.

5. Utilization Rate

Definition: The percentage of total available hours that are billed to clients.

Why It Matters: Utilization rate is a key indicator of productivity and efficiency in your firm. It helps in understanding how effectively your team is being utilized and can highlight opportunities for optimization.

How to Track: Divide the total billable hours by the total available working hours and multiply by 100.

Example: If your team worked 2,000 billable hours out of 2,500 available hours, the utilization rate is 80%.


By diligently tracking these metrics, your accounting firm can make informed decisions that drive growth, enhance client satisfaction, and improve overall efficiency. Regularly reviewing these metrics will help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure long-term success. For continuous improvement, leverage tools and technologies that provide real-time data and insights like Combinely, enabling you to make proactive and strategic decisions.

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